DC isn’t THAT Big

A couple of months ago you may remember my blog about the awful decision to move all my peeps ( well most of) to the other building. At the time , my pain and utter despair was somewhat half-hearted because in all honesty, it’s really just a short 2 minute walk.  Around the same time as the big office shuffle, I also moved apartments. Once again, a 2-5 minute walk. As it turns out a 2 minute walk is quite the hurdle. Here is what I have learned, either a half mile is an extremely long distance in this city or there really is no difference between 2 minutes and 30 minutes when you have to get up off your ass and do something. I have not seen the other half of my street in over three months. Two minutes further away and it’s like those restaurants have ceased to exist, that corner is no longer there and that nice homeless gentleman …  ok well you know what I mean.

While my husband and I have found other restaurants that are good and other corners to cross at and well , no homeless people, but that one I can live with, I miss some of the old places. As someone who has moved around quite a bit in her time, I am used to missing places, but I don’t ditch people. And, I realized this morning I have not seen CareBear in over a week. I’m not sure that has ever happened before. Now restaurants, I can replace but not my CareBear. It looks like I’m going to have to make an, ugh, effort to not be so lazy. So, I have a collection of unwatched teen movies, with our names on them. Wanna watch? Of course, it will have to ab after the boy and I go down the street to our “old neighborhood” for dinner.

4 Responses to “DC isn’t THAT Big”

  1. flipflopsintherain Says:

    I was just getting ready to ping you about your weekend plans! Wanna play at some point? Otherwise, I’m booked till the end of April with cross-country weekend trips……

    I miss you, too. And I don’t know that I can replace Chili’s honey chipotle, but I’m tryin’.

  2. thisgirl Says:

    Definitely .. still haven’t seen Nancy Drew or High School Musical 2

  3. Al Castle Says:

    Humph! How longs it been since you’ve come said hi to me?!

    btw I am not watching girly movies – if you want to have me over for some sort of car chase, woman screams, explosion and gun fire movie that’s different. 😀

  4. thisgirl Says:

    You actually are more than a 2 minute walk and if you are going to fly that far , Carebear and I will watch a blowing up cars kind of movie instead 🙂

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